April 18, 2011
I cant believe the baby came early!! Thats exciting. IT sounds like things were a little bit rocky at first. I hope he is doing a little bit better, it sounds like it. First off before I forget, Mom, how do you make tacos from scratch? Soft and hard. They dont have tortillas here either. And how do you make GUacomole? MY comp has had them once in his life and he loved them and wants me to make them!!
I am desperately hoping that there is something that you can do about my teeth. IT hurts sometimes when I bite down now. MY only idea is that they might still have molds from the old retainers? ITs a longshot I know, so prepare to see some crooked teeth.
But it is suposed to be cooling down here now, I really hope so. IT is so hot, plus we were playing soccer today and I got way sunburned. P days are a lot more fun here, we actually do stuff. WE went to to town called Koguaçu to play soccer.. IT was way pretty. I cant wait to show all of the family my areas!! Tijucas isnt as small as I thought. its still incredibly small, but I live in the outskirts, so it seems tiny. It has a little downtown with lots of stores and stuff. There is a town in my area called Bombinhas and apparently it has the prettiest beaches around.. IM gonna go check it out here pretty soon.
Its so weird everyone automatically knows I am AMerican! Some people guess I am from Germany though, which is kinda weird.. Anyways, there is a place called WIZARD that teaches english here. I went in and offered up my american-ness to them and I am going to go talk with people trying to learn english tonight. It´ll be fun and hopefully will result in some investigators. THe buses here are stick shift!! I have yet to see an automatic car. THe driving continues to be insane. I swear a requirement to hire a bus driver is to see how many lives they can risk a day without actually killing anyone. Its crazy!!
thats so nuts that dad saw that elder HArper (what was his name?) I talked to him like a week ago! I Actually droped him off at the airport. His mom and dad came right down to pick him up and went to Iguaçu falls and Rio de JAneiro and stuff. That would be fun, its up to you. Thats a while away anyways. But I Still dont know what anyone is saying. The language is tough, but I expected it to be. I gave a talk yesterday though! EVeryone said they really had to concentrate to understand, but they said it made sense!! haha.
A spider laid eggs in my sock and I didnt notice and I have like amillion spider bites on my feet and legs now. THere are bugs everywhere I hate it! BUt we are still buying things for our apartment. We do it little by little. We got a stove on Saturday. ON Friday, we walked into town to get matresses. We had to CARRY Them like 5 miles back to our house!! IT was tiring. I have a picture, but I forgot my chord, so I will get on photobucket and upload some next week. I hope. I had my first tropical rainstorm 2 nights ago. IT rains like Baton Rouge does. Buckets! But the lightning here is amazing!! IT stays lit in the sky for like 4 entire seconds at a time! I filmed it.
I am not at all adjusted to the food yet. MY stomach hurts all the time, its hard.
Thats all I have, sorry. I love you all, have fun in NEw York!!
I miss you.
I am desperately hoping that there is something that you can do about my teeth. IT hurts sometimes when I bite down now. MY only idea is that they might still have molds from the old retainers? ITs a longshot I know, so prepare to see some crooked teeth.
But it is suposed to be cooling down here now, I really hope so. IT is so hot, plus we were playing soccer today and I got way sunburned. P days are a lot more fun here, we actually do stuff. WE went to to town called Koguaçu to play soccer.. IT was way pretty. I cant wait to show all of the family my areas!! Tijucas isnt as small as I thought. its still incredibly small, but I live in the outskirts, so it seems tiny. It has a little downtown with lots of stores and stuff. There is a town in my area called Bombinhas and apparently it has the prettiest beaches around.. IM gonna go check it out here pretty soon.
Its so weird everyone automatically knows I am AMerican! Some people guess I am from Germany though, which is kinda weird.. Anyways, there is a place called WIZARD that teaches english here. I went in and offered up my american-ness to them and I am going to go talk with people trying to learn english tonight. It´ll be fun and hopefully will result in some investigators. THe buses here are stick shift!! I have yet to see an automatic car. THe driving continues to be insane. I swear a requirement to hire a bus driver is to see how many lives they can risk a day without actually killing anyone. Its crazy!!
thats so nuts that dad saw that elder HArper (what was his name?) I talked to him like a week ago! I Actually droped him off at the airport. His mom and dad came right down to pick him up and went to Iguaçu falls and Rio de JAneiro and stuff. That would be fun, its up to you. Thats a while away anyways. But I Still dont know what anyone is saying. The language is tough, but I expected it to be. I gave a talk yesterday though! EVeryone said they really had to concentrate to understand, but they said it made sense!! haha.
A spider laid eggs in my sock and I didnt notice and I have like amillion spider bites on my feet and legs now. THere are bugs everywhere I hate it! BUt we are still buying things for our apartment. We do it little by little. We got a stove on Saturday. ON Friday, we walked into town to get matresses. We had to CARRY Them like 5 miles back to our house!! IT was tiring. I have a picture, but I forgot my chord, so I will get on photobucket and upload some next week. I hope. I had my first tropical rainstorm 2 nights ago. IT rains like Baton Rouge does. Buckets! But the lightning here is amazing!! IT stays lit in the sky for like 4 entire seconds at a time! I filmed it.
I am not at all adjusted to the food yet. MY stomach hurts all the time, its hard.
Thats all I have, sorry. I love you all, have fun in NEw York!!
I miss you.
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