September 26, 2011
Soo, even though I am being completely obedient and not doing anything wrong and doing my job correctly, I, unfortunately, did not have one spiritual experience this last week. For some reason, President Fernandez transferred my companion to a city 14 hours away called Chapecó. So, just take a guess who is my new comp. Its M. Santos! Again! He was pretty excited about it. I am too, he is way fun. And, we are going to be doing what we are supposed to be doing starting thursday instead of solving problems and planning things.
We are going to go to an area called Tapera, it´s here on the island. Its affectionately referred to as ``the armpit of the island.`` So, it should be fun. Frankly I don´t care, as long as we get to go out of the office!! I will NEVER have an office job. A job like Dad´s, where you are in an office for some of the time, I could do. But never could I be in the office full time. But anyways, unfortunately nothing really cool happened this week. P day was pretty fun, we went to Morro da Cruz. Its a viewpoint from the top of the highest mountain in the downtown area. I attached some pics. Unfortunately the day was kinda foggy, but what do ya do.
President gave a training to a few zones today and it was really cool! He told us we could email whoever we want now! We have to keep it within an hour. But he is really intense. I don´t know if I already told you, but everytime he writes on a whiteboard he destroys the marker cuz he writes so hard. haha. But the training was really cool. It testifies that he was called of God. But, the thing that I found even more interesting was that, in the mission, he is making a lot of changes then changing he mind and then changing it again. It shows that God calls normal people to be leaders and prepares them and teaches them. It reminded me of a Bible verse that says that Christ received his knowledge, grace by grace. If Christ received it piece by piece, than how can I expect to receive anything all at once!!
I am glad everyone is doing well, that missionary dinner sounded like a blast. I am so excited that I still have a year to be a missionary!! I am also excited that in less than a year, I will be with you guys again!! less than a year!!! I am happier than ever, and even I can see my own God-given progress. Its really cool.
I love you all, sorry the email was short. Nothing really happened.
Love Alex Elder Baker
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