September 12, 2011

Hows it goin? So my new job...I just spend millions of dollars travelling around to visit different missionaries. I went to Serraria again, Agronômica, Tapera, Rio Tavares, Florianópolis, Saco dos Limões, and more. All of which are on the island except Serraria. But, at the same time, I like this job. Its fun to travel around and see the island!! It´ll be cool because I will know how to travel around, at least on the island. We just don´t do normal missionary work a lot of the time its always solving problems and bringing people stuff.
But anyways, the beginning of the week we went to Serraria for the last day because a member wanted us to do a family home evening with his less active wife. We watched a movie called Charly which is a movie made by the church. It is a pretty good movie! Its sad. It would be a good movie to watch with the fam. The next couple days I did normal things in Rio Tavares. I am with an elder named Elder Armitstead and his comp Elder Allen. Armitstead is really cool. It rained soooo much this week! If you look at recent news of Santa Catarina, it will talk about the floods that happened. Some of the missionaries houses are completely underwater. Luckily I am living in Florianópolis and we live and the 4th floor. But poor elder Neilson´s house got flooded completely in Brusque. In Rio Tavares it was knee deep but it we were still able to work. One night I was walking home and I heard a huge crashing sound. I went to see what it was and it was the beach!!! It was the prettiest beach I have ever seen. The forest goes right up until the beach but the beach is still really big. The waves were really big too. But we aren´t allowed to step on the beach so I just saw it from a distance.
The coolest experience I had for this week was that I visited Tijucas. I saw all my old friends and baptisms and ate at Rafael´s house (my coolest baptism) He now teaches the gospel principles class. It is cool to see him progress. When I first met him he was too embarrassed to pray in front of us. Now he gives the class! But the bishop there told me something that I thought was pretty cool. It made me feel a little bit of satisfaction. It made me see that I was an effective tool in the Lord´s hands. The period between when I got to Tijucas and when I left the frequency of the ward went up 25 people. I thought it was pretty cool! I don´t want to take credit though, I am glad I was in the right place at the right time.
I was reading through grandpa Richard´s conversion story again and I noticed that grandma said that Dad´s eyes are blue??? Am I crazy or are his eyes brown??
I was a bit nervous on 9/11. The news was saying that the terrorists were planning another attack on the same day. As of right now I only heard of a false car bomb alert. I am glad nothing happened. I am sure it was way annoying for Dad to hear all the radio and TV stations talking about it. I can only imagine that it is a hard memory to recall. I like the story though (if I remember it right) because it shows that Dad is sensitive to the spirit. It is also a big testimony builder for me!! I remember that he told me about the liahona that I had above my bed. I can´t remember where that went, I wish I still had it.
Transfers are coming up and I hope I don´t get transferred!! I don´t want to have a crappy companion!! And I like living in the staff house! But tell everyone I love them and miss them!! Oh, and my first comp M. Santos says hi.
Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, thats all I have to say. It rained a whole lot, I found a new umbrella, and there was Brazil´s biggest gay parade that marched right past my apartment yesterday.
Love], Elder BAkeR
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