My comp is going to be emergency transferred tomorrow cuz the ZLs need to be together now.. So my comp will be a guy named Elder Barros. I don´t know him yet. But this last week was hot! Not too hot to sleep though, so thats good.
The english class is improving. On Tuesday we had 5 people. I like to teach english, I think it is a good time. But that same day we did 17 contacts and 15 said no. IT was a tough day. But, did grandpa get his letter?: I wrote it and sent it off last pday, so it should be there by now. I am glad there is snow now, I was gonna ask. At least I don´t have to be there to be mad about it!!
Did you know Florianópolis is one of the fashion capitals of the world?? This mission is so funny. There are some places where it is a world class resort, like a city called jurerê on the island, where Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise have houses. But, my area, is dirt poor. It has it all in one shot!! They even have a burger king in Floripa, the ONLY place in all of brazil where you can get a free refill. haha
Thursday the english class was great. We gave out a book of mormon cuz at the end everyone just wanted to know why we were there voluntarily. We explained and had one couple a\sk for a visit. But I went to the HOOD on Thursday. It was fun. The people are so funny! Lots of druggies and drunks, but lots of people who know how to love life with what they have. I thought that the people there were more happy that the people I have seen that are better off. But we spoke english in the streets and people followed us around. It was all little black kids, I felt like I was in Africa. hahaa
Friday was SUCh a rushed day. We woke up, did all the normal crap, and ate lunch. Then we went to Balneário to do a baptismal interview. But it was SOO far away!! Then, a 70´s wife gave us a ride like an hour away to the other side of our area (in the hood) for an appointment. The appointment was alright. The walk was an hour and a half to get home.
I had a dream that I took over overstock.com. It was cool. HAhaha, that would be great.
Saturday we went to a very distant little city called Itaipava. It was in the middle of the jungle. IT was so cool! I took pictures, but forgot my camera, soo mext week I will send them. But, we went to the appointment that we marked during english class. The guy was extremely poor, but extremely smart, and knew lots of things about religion. But it was cool because both he and his wife were humble enough to listen and talk. I think they will be baptized. His named is Geronimo!! hah. He lives so far away though. The spirit was really strong in the lesson, and he said, ``that just makes sense.`` when we were done.
Sunday, I saw NBA highlights and it made me crazy cuz I miss basketball really bad and didn't realize it.
Thats all I have for this week, love you all!!
Elder Baker
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