OOOOOKKKKKK so this week was pretty uneventful as well. I had pday on monday, the counsel of the ZLs on Tuesday, had a doctors appointment on wednesday in Floripa, bought Dad his present and sent it off. On Thursday I worked in my area for 2 hours before having to go to Balneário Camboriú to do a baptismal interview, which takes all day cuz its far away. Friday had ANOTHER interview even farther away in Balneário Camboriú again. Saturday we worked all day, and just did contacts. Sunday, we FINALLY got a couple lessons. We taught this family that I have been teaching for a while, the wife and kid want to get baptized so bad but the Dad still isn´t sure. Pray for Sergio to receive an answer. But we taught them the 3rd lesson, which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a good spiritual lesson, and when we explained that the Spirit testifies using feelings of peace of mind, she said ``hey, we were talkin yesterday about how much more at peace we feel when you visit us! And when you leave, it just goes away!!`` She was under the impression that it was us that brought the feelings (we are pretty fun to be around, I´ll admit) but we explained that it was the spirit telling her that the messages that we share are true. I think they´ll be baptized here pretty soon.
I know kinda how Dad feels cuz I will be traveling a TON this month. I have an interview in Balneário next week, the day after that I will have to go to Blumenau (a cool German city) to do an interview, then the next week I will have to go to Florianópolis then back to blumenau. So, I am kinda actually glad cuz it was SOOOOO hot this week. I cannot sleep. Last night I just walked around until 3 until I was exhausted enough to disregard the heat. Why would anyone ever live in this heat without an air conditioner!??
Today I went to Balneário again. Its so cool there I just can´t resist visiting. We found yet another view point to climb up today. It was really cool, much more organized than the one I went to last week. Transfers are this week. President told me I will stay only one more, so I basically know that I will be transferred here in 6 weeks! But for now, I love this area, its good. I will stay with Elder Barros. He is a good guy, we get along great. But transfers are always stressful cuz I gotta organize all that junk at the bus station so no one is ever alone and all that Jazz. SPEAKING of Jazz, I saw the roster the other day and I hardly recognize the team anymore! Its weird. I also saw the Lakers (the score) get creamed by Orlando and mom´s favorite player, Dwight Howard.
IT SNOWED finally!! Lucky! Oh yea, I got Katie´s package FINALLY and I showed the ski movie to president and said ``you can´t watch it, but can I?`` so he is gonna watch it I guess. haha. But thanks Kate, I loved the pictures!!
I hope you like the pictures I send, They are all in my area except the one near the beach. Thats in Balneário Camboriú. that catholic church looks like ``its a small world`` in Disneyland! HAHAHA
Thats all I have got for this week. Sorry I didn´t write in my journal one time this week, it was a ``corrida`` (a race)
I love you all!!
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