So, like I said this last week, this week was really rushed and busy. We had transfers, and thats where we have to organize everything so that no one is alone and make sure that everything happens as its supposed to. Thursday, as you have probably seen from the pictures, I went to BLUMENAU AKA Germany in the jungle.
We had to go to the neurologist because my comp had a seizure the other day and was foaming at the mouth and stuff. But he´s good now. But afterward we had to stay for a baptismal interview at 6. So we did splits, and I went to the ONLY ghetto in Blumenau, of course. But we went to do the interview and the guy never showed up. So, we call his boss (he lost his phone) and he says that he will arrive the next day. So we sleep there, without a change of clothes, toothbrush, without anything. The next day, I waited 3 hours outside his house and he didn´t show up. So, we called his boss again and he said that he would show up early morning saturday. sooo, we slept there again, with no change of clothes or anything. It was pretty cold there though, that was the good part. But then the guy didn´t pass the interview cuz he used crack the night before... So, the mission prepares you for disappointments as well.
But we got back and worked normally on Saturday. Sunday we had that family that I have been workin woth for a while go to church, so that was good. Sunday night we found a new family to teach! We have been doing pure contacts because we have no one left to teach. But this family is pretty cool. When we went in, we conversed for a while and then they said ``just to let you know, we will NEVER change religions or accept pamphlets or any literature of any kind, but we will gladly hear your message.`` soo, we went ahead and gave the first lesson anyway. It was cool because when I described the Book Of Mormon, they paid close attention and accepted the invitiation to read and pray about it. You could see the change the the spirit did to them instantly. It was pretty cool. We will return this week to see how they are doing.
Other than that, I am doing well. We just need to find more people to teach so I can get out of the sun!! IT has been pretty good weather. Bearable to sleep at least.
Blumenau was pretty cool. We were walkin down the street and a german guy walked up to me (I think they were literally german tourists) and started speaking german, assuming I was german. But the arctitecture is so cool! It is just like europe!! I bought a little mug. But did you know that it hosts the 2nd largest oktoberfest in the world!:?? Pretty cool there, I felt right at home. Everyone had blonde hair and blue eyes, and my comp was nervous when I pointed out that I had only seen one other black guy in 3 days. We ate some german food too, it was so weird! It really is like Germany in the Jungle!
I have a planner now, so I will be keeping better notes on what to write you.
Love you all!!
Love Elder Baker
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