Tuesday, August 9, 2011

July 11, 2011


First of all, remember about the wooden box in my closet. Its all neatly organized, so try not to go through it or move it too much. AND DOn´t take my things to the D.I! I have a list... Dont try it. Also, you forgot to comment on the stock. Can you buy stock with that money or does it not work that way? I always thoughtthat I would buy stock before my mission and I forgot to do it.. But hopefully you can do it for me now! Let me know..

Sooo I didn´t know this but Tijucas (my area) is notorious for having the fastest speaking people in Brazil. Thats the only thing, if that, that people know about Tijucas. You can also use any sound that you can make to say hi here. I love doing it it is so funny. Youcan walk by someone and say ``obuubi`` and they will respond with another sound, which all mean hi. hah. I found a brochure about Santa Caterina and it had a big list of cool places to visit and fun things to do and Tijucas wasn´t on the list.. haha. But I love it there, it is so awesome for missionary work and I have a bunch of friends there already. I am saying there because I am not in Tijucas right now. I am in a random town called Forquilinhas on a division with the other LZ. We slept here last night. Whenever we sleep over at some other house the matresses ALWAYS have mold and always suck. And we never have pillows. I want to meet someone rich in Brazil, I know they exist, just not in Tijucas. I just want to sit on a decent couch. I don´t think I have been physically comfortable since I left Baton Rouge! Haha but its all good. the bishop invited a member of the 70 to come speak at our building, and he is gonig to come at the end of this month. IT will be awesome! Except our frequency is only like 50 people...

Fitts wrote me and the weather in São Paulo seems like it the same, but here gets colder. We definitely need to visit in the summer- the winter is WAAY cold here.Its kinda like Baton Rouge was! One day it is freezing cold with ice rain, and the next day I have to use sunscreen because it is so hot! But to not risk it, lets visit in the summer. Mornings especially are unbearable. The houses don´t have any heat, and are made of tile and bricks, so it is like a freezer when you are inside. I wake up in the middle of the night and I can see my breath!! and I remember that one of the East high news letters Matt Rider talked about getting out from under the blankets to get into the luke-warm shower. well, thats what I am doing now. Our shower sucks, and I would rather it be freezing cold! If I can get passed how cold it is I excersize and that warms me up. Speaking of excersize, my body is having withdrawls. My whole entire life I have been running and jumping and active. Now, here in Brazil, all I do is walk. I wish we could prosylyte without backpacks because I could at least run a little. But, hopefully when it warms up I will have a comp that will run with me in the mornings. It snowed like 2 cm in a city called Umauba (haha) and it was breaking news. In that brochure I mentioned it had a city as a tourist attraction and its main attraction was that it snows sometimes haha.

We had 2 baptisms this last week. They are both brothers of one of my prievious baptisms. Samuel and Nilton Correias Da Silva. One of them is 18 and one is 14. We think that the 18 year old will serve a mission. He said that he wanted to. How cool would that be! Mom, I don´t know the new mission prez any better, but he is pretty cool. He told us that in the mind of the convert, the name of the missionary who taught and baptized them will be permanently written for all eternity. I remembered that i had already seenan example of that. Kevin (the one serving in Cali) and his mom are examples of that. I could just tell by the way she was when we ate at Olive garden that she thinks very, very highly of Dad. I didn´t realize how cool that experience must have been for Dad until I got here in Brazil. I hope that happens to me!!

The Lord´s hand is very apparent in the work in Tijucas. It seems like I don´t have to work, I just have to show up. for example: We were walkin down some dirt road last week and a group of kids ran up to me and started guessing where I was from (they decided Germany) we talked with them for a little bit, and one of them invited us to his house. We went there, and hsi Mom and Dad are MARRIED (legally!!) and have already studied with the missionaries and are looking for a church. We didn´t do anything, we were just there! I will keep you updated on the family, but I think they will be baptized. My testimony is growing about how God´s way is the right way for us, even if we don´t think it is. I feel more confident about my faith now more than ever, and it has come from a result of prayer. I can´t explain why, I just feel more confident in our beliefs.

Hmm lets see, a couple days ago we were crossing the street and my comp ran into a way fat lady on a bike and she fell and rolled for like 10 feet.. It was probably more funny than that time in the MTC when the guy ran into the pole. I felt kinda bad for her but she wasn´t scraped or anything so I laughed afterward. My comp is liek 5´4´´ though I don´t know how he didn´t fall down too!! Something that made me laugh almost as much is when my comp tried to pronounce ``world.`` Brazilians CANNOT say world. It is so funny, they say ```hoodarhld.`` I guess that is a sound unique to english. I never realized! I am still getting along with him just fine. I want to live with another companionship though, I´m gettin sick of livin with just one other guy I don´t know very well.

Thats all for this week! Mom, I don´t know if the package came. They get mailed to the mission office, and the only time we get our mail is during a zone conference or a meeting with the prez, which only happen once a month. Soo, I think my old comp (he is an AP) will bring it to me onmy birthday, which happened to land on a pday. Lucky. LET ME KNOW about my closet and about the stock.

Love Elder Baker

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