June 20, 2011
Hey Erbody, Hows it goin! Linds, I hope my letter didnt get lost in the mail. It´ll get there soon hopefully. I asked Junior Gonzaga to write happy birthday on your fb. He speaks a tiny tiny bit of english so I hope it was understandable. But anyways, all is the same in Tijucas. I learned about transfers and I will stay here with the same companion. Its gonna be rough cuz this transfer will be 7 weeks instead of 6. There is a possibility that I will stay here ANOTHER transfer after that. Ugh, I hope not. But Next transfer is August 10. But our mission president leaves in like 4 days!! Everyone is freakin out but I dont really know why. The next one will be just as good. But I have a question. dad and mom, how do you find time to study your scriptures? It seems harder the older you get. The english and music classes are getting progressively worse. Haha I think its cuz we haven´t advertised it enough. We are going to try some new ideas this week to get people to come. But during the music class I am practically a babysitter. All the kids love my accent and ask me how to say words in english and laugh when they hear it. Its so strange still to see people that can´t speak english! Everyone that hasn´t been to another country realizes that in other places people speak other languages, but it doesn´t hit you until you are trying to communicate with someone that literally doesn´t speak your language!! But hopefully the classes will result in something. If nothing else, we are providing service for the people. The missionary handbook says that we gotta do some service each week anyways.
Isn´t 10´8 not that much for a baby? I have heard of babies being new born and weighing more than that. Does he still have blue eyes? There are a bunch a little tiny 1 and 2 year olds in my ward and its so funny! One of them is named Rafaela and she will try to repeat anything you say! Even if its english! Maybe I will make a video or something and send it to you. But Mom, for the package, if you didnt already send a cool pen, send one. Also, if you didnt send an external hard drive, I need one of those too. I might need some deodorant soon, I only have 1 and 1/2 left. Oh and one time Dad told me about a pic of grandpa Richard in a convertable smoking a cigarette. I wanna see it! If its copiable, send a copy. I heard that Apple released a facebook type thing called ``iCloud.`` That is pretty cool I guess. One of the members loves technology and stuff so he always tells me the latest news. What else is goin on in the world? Anything interesting? Mom, how is the food storage coming? Better? This week I had to go on exchanges with a missionary from Paraguay. He speaks some weird indian language called Guarani and he taught me a little bit. It sounds like Tongan. But we were in a town called Forquilinhas for the day. Their apartment was literally as big as Mom and Dads bathroom. . But they have members there and the church is just the same there, so it was all good. Whenever I go on splits I have to go to downtown floripa for a little bit. The downtown is SO cool! I just want to be a normal guy and explore around! It is gonna be so fun! But The assistants have been back and forth from our apartment cuz one assistant that goes home in 2 days was teaching one of the guys that I baptized. Its tough living with 4 guys with a tiny little bathroom! We always order pizza when someone stays the night and I love it because the chocolate pizza is the best thing ever. It is so cheap too! Its like 15 bucks for a gigantic pizza. with soda. I cant wait to see what everyone thinks about the pizza here.
That will be fun about your calling, Mom. Good luck. I forgot what dad´s call is, something with the high priests right? I remember when I had my interview with the Stake President he had just interviewed Dad for a temple reccommend or something and he said, ``Your father will hold a high position in the church.`` So I am just waiting for that to happen. Did he say anything like that to anyone else? Tell Jamie Wissler and Larry that I will miss them and I will keep in contact when I get back. Jamie isn´t too far away so maybe I can go visit him every so often. Is Lowell Hicks still alive? I want him to play at my homecoming and if he lives long enough, at my marriage. I love that thing that he plays, I forgot what its called. So we had 3 baptisms this past week. One was the guy that I have been talkin about, Rafael Maximiano. He is definitely one to visit if we ever visit Tijucas. He is already a faithful member! He was so excited for his baptism! He chose me to do it too, which was pretty special. It was an honor to participate in his baptism, he will be a bishop or somethin one day. the baptisimal service was spirit-filled. Another family that we just got married was also baptized. They have 6 kids, all who were baptized previous to them. We finally got the marriage done and they were both baptized. The assistant that is goin home in 2 days found the family and baptized all the kids. We just finished the work with the parents. The Dad, named Ozelio de Jesus Vaz, chose me to baptize him. The baptisimal font is pretty ghetto, and he was afraid that the water was too cold. Haha we just baptized him anyways. But after the baptism Rafael invited us over for a celebration dinner and to watch a movie. Our mission president approved watching movies with investigators, so we watched ``Enrolados`` I dont know what it is in english, something like Roll Ups or Rolled up? Anyways, the one about Rapunzel. It was pretty good! I haven´t seen a movie in forever! I got word that Thor and Captain America are awesome so I am excited to hear if they are good from you guys. The next day when we went back for church someone had broken in and robbed the church! The only thing of value in there was the piano, and it weighs a billion pounds. We found it at the top of the stairs. Apparently the thieves dragged it to the stairs and then gave up and left haha. But we already fixed the lock so its all good. Thats all for this week, I love you and miss you a ton!!
Love, Alex
P.S. Isn´t it weird that every single person in all of Brazil still uses MSN messenger? I thought it was.
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