Tuesday, August 9, 2011

July 19, 2011

Hi Mom!
Sorry I didn´t email yesterday, we couldn´t make it. But my birthday was way fun! A member took us bowling and to see a city in our area called Itapema. Look it up on Google. It was way cool, and of course it has the coolest beaches ever. I got the package yesterday! Everyone gasped when I pulled out the coca cola shirt. How much was it like 20 bucks at the most? haha. But after we went bowling and saw the city we went back and the guy who I baptized, Rafael, threw a pparty for me!! I had no idea! My old comp M. Santos camp and we ate caked and they sang to me and Rafael made pizza. It was one of the most unique birthdays I ever had. It was really special. The bishop was there too and he is a really good guy too.
Sorrry this is all I can write but I will write next week. Mom, I forgot to do the transfer thing, I will tell you next email. Dad, there is a company that is going to manufacture mircroscopic robots to try to fight against cancer (just like that book PREY by Michael Creighton) and if you can find or know that company, buy stock there. If not I think any company that works in bio technology will advance in the next few months. If you can´t find a company that works with biotech, buy G STAR stock. If not, SURFACE. If not, CAUSWELL, if not, then I don´t know. What ever you think will be good!
Love you and sorry its so short.
Love Alex

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