Wednesday, January 25, 2012

November 21, 2011

I took good notes this week, so I will tell you what I did in chronological order.
Tuesday: There was a brand new chapel that was dedicated in the area next to mine in downtown Itajaí, so we went there to invite people to go inside to be about to quench their curiosity. It took 8 months to build, and it is right downtown so a lot of people passed by it. We had a little bit of success, it was a good day. The neighborhoods there are so rich!! It would be a cool place to live. The chapel is a monster though. It is really pretty. We just had stake conference there and it was PACKED!! President fernandes gave a talk and everyone compared him to a pastor because he is just so intense with his screaming and hand movements. The temple president of Curitiba gave a talk too, it was awesome.
On Wednesday, I went to an EVER COOLER city called Balneário Camboriú. It is such a unique city, withy really pretty beaches and it even has a big christ statue like the one in Rio but this one is holding a big spot light that shines on the city at night hahah. Wednesday night I opened my box, set up my christmas tree, and put all the presents underneath. It looks really good! I´ll have to send a picture. Also, on Wednesday, an elder had to go to a town way far away to get eye surgery so I was with his companion, who was my old campanion, elder Conceição. He seems a lot happier now, I guess he just didn´t like me or somethin!! But also, on Wednesday, I had been sleeping without a pillow for 6 weeks, so I went to a way fancy store and bought a 75 real pillow with nasa foam inside. it is pretty good, but was extremely expensive... But anyways, Wednesday also was really rainy, which was TERRIBLE because it made it way humid but the heat didn´t leave... The rain almost burns when it hits your skin cuz its so hot outside.
Thursday I didn´t note anything. I think I just did contacts all day in the sun.
Friday was interviews. I had to make sure everything went down smoothly and that everyone had lunch. We had 6 missionaries at one house in my area!! The family consists of 6 people and all of them weigh at least 250.. I dunno if I told you about them or not. They are hilarious but really really, really fat. It was good to converse with president, I like to talk to him. I respect him a lot. I visited one of my future baptisms on Friday night and we had a really good, spiritual lesson with em.
Saturday, President visited my house!! He said it was really good but the gas tank expired 7 YEARS ago, so I have to buy a new one. And he said I have to buy new lightbulbs. But, he like the house and on the mission I have discovered that I am a bit of a clean freak so luckily it was really clean when he came. Later on that day I found a really rich neighborhood in my area (THE ONLY ONE) and it only has like 20 houses, so we knocked them all, with little success.
Sunday, like I said, was stake conference. We got a ride from the bishop. He is a member of the brazilian swat team and has so many crazy stories!! We are gonna go look at all his cool guns one of these p days.. But stake conference was great. What made it better was that we had our future baptisms attend!! Its always so gratifying to see investigators at church. But, later that night we taught a really cool family and it was one of the best lessons I have ever had the spirit was so strong! They accepted to be baptized on the spot!! And it isn´t one of those, ``yea... I´ll be baptized, maybe`` it was like ``YES.`` So that was cool.
Today I went into a HUGE catholic church. I also ate at subway. Mom, I didnt get the packages yet. Just that one.
Thats all for this week, LOVE YOU ALL!!
Love Alex

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